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Re: info on proposed SSL protocol and Netscape implementation


> >   The following URLs are the SSL protocol spec (SSL -- Secure Sockets
> >       http://home.mcom.com/info/SSL.htm
> >       http://home.mcom.com/info/security-doc.htm
>I just skimmed the docs, looks like a fair amount of work has gone
>into them.
>What I was wondering is how, if at all, this relates to the other
>security work going on for IP and IPng in general?
>It already looks like I'm going to have to ride a general IP security
>horse at the same time I ride a distinctly different SNMPv2 security
>horse.  I'm not sure I'll be happy trying to simultaneously ride a third
>security horse.

And if you use SHTTP or something like that, you ride a forth horse. What is  
with your mail: something like PGP or PEM would be the fifth. Wasn't there  
something like Kerberos? -> Six, and the count go on and on:-)

Jokes aside: SSL has at least one advantage (as far as I have read and  
understood the documentation): It would be useful for more protocols than http.

Regarding the general IP security (I think you that IPng thing) is going to  
last several years till it becomes operational IMHO. SSL could become reality  
in the next year.

Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Inf.	Voice:	+49 261 6509 173
Wolfgang Roeckelein	Fax:	+49 261 6509 179
WHU Koblenz		E-Mail:	roeckelein@wi.whu-koblenz.de
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D-56179 Vallendar